Our 200 club is not only a fantastic chance for you to win some serious cash, it’s also a vital fundraiser for the cricket section. Our monthly draws take place live on Facebook on the last weekend of every month hosted by our man with all the numbers Mark Cumberland. Last year we gave away over £3000 in prize money to our lucky winners and the more people we have in the draw the higher the prize money. Its just 5 pound a month for a number in the draw and this can either be paid monthly via standing order or you can pay £60 up front for the year. The draw runs from May, 2022 to April 2023, with 2 draws taking place at the end of June. You’ve got to be in it to win so why not sign up today. Please spread the word, the more that sign up the more cash you can win. All draws will be made live on Facebook and shared in the weekly newsletter.
Find out more details and sign up here